dimanche, septembre 30, 2007


lundi, septembre 03, 2007

vacation..first week

First week of holidays, in Haute-Loire, with some cousins...the weather was really not amazing, but we had a few minutes of sun to take some good pictures, so that's good enough! :p

mercredi, juillet 04, 2007

Back home!

One of many surprises and changes in the house..my room! Wooden floor, pictures from this year on the wall, a whole bunch of green and blue stuffs, flowers...! How cute is that!!?

Having fun with my little brother and the camera. ( By the way, see, the shirt fits perfectly! )

Still having fun!

With all my siblings!

First family picture for a long time!

And..siblings again! In Oriane's room.

Same thing, with Florent enjoying having all his sisters back!

vendredi, juin 29, 2007

In the airport

Ok, I'll be nice and write in english, just so it's more understandable..and also, because it's the only language I can speak right now..yeah..it's kind of a problem to be understood, but hopefully, the french is gonna come back.

waiting..I guess that was just a few minutes before I came, so I was probably still stuck behing those stupid desks with slow people asking you your passeport in french..so with the translation time..it doesn't really help! :p

with my "big" sister..by the way, I'm still taller!!! But I'm not quite sure about the other ones.

The Girls!

I don't have an entiere family picture yet, because I haven't seen Alice yet, but we'll get one tomorrow, so it will be in there soon.

mardi, juin 12, 2007

PROM - there-

Rachel, Chelsea, Julie and I

Meaghan, Natalie and I

Jacinda, Mickaela and I

The guys!

dimanche, juin 10, 2007

PROM -home-

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, Prom est le bal de fin d'annee. Les gars en tuxedos, les filles en robes de soiree. It's just a lot of fun!!!

samedi, mai 12, 2007

New York City

D'abord, une petite justification de notre viree a l'autre bout de NY state. ( Eh oui, un gros 6h de route pour y arriver, j'habite pas tout a fait a cote de la CITY ).

NYC accueille chaque annee "Essentially Ellington", une competition de Jazz nationale pour les lycees. Cette annee, 80 jazz bands ont envoye un enregistrement de leur musique aux juges. Seulement 15 ont ete retenues pour participer a la competition finale au Lincoln Center in NEw York City.
Donc notre voyage ete assez de derniere minutes, vu qu'on a appris la selection d'HF-L ( notre high-school ) deux mois avant la competition.
Donc notre petite high school du petit village d'Honeoye-falls, a ete competer contre des ecoles "speciales Jazz" et des ecoles specialisees en musique.Tous ca pour dire que notre jazz band est absolument geniale!

Bon, assez parle..quelques photos

Central Park..with a great Weather. Amazing!

J'vous jure, ils l'ont aussi en vraie!!

- Comment tu sais que c'est New York City ?
- Ben c'est facile, y'a des gratte-ciels PARTOUT!

Random picture..isn't it cool though ?