vendredi, décembre 22, 2006

I am soo excited for Christmas here

Sorry, I'm lazy to speak french , but you don't have any problem to understand the english now, so there's no problem!

I am soo excited for Christmas here. Mary is here for 2 weeks now, and she is great too! We got the Christmas tree last week end in a "christmas tree farm", that was fun, you just got on the "farm", spend 2 hours deciding which one in the perfect tree, pick a saw, cut it there and bring it home, and here you go! That was a lot of arguying to find the perfect one, but we finally got it.. 10 feet, and they still think that's small !!!

Well, and we're gonna spend the end of the 25 with the Gd parents and some cousins I've met, That's gonna be great! Everybody is awesome!